
Terms of Use

We are Orbitos (“Orbitos”, “we”, “our” or “us” ), Orbitos refers to the company Titaris UAB with its registration in Lithuania under the registration number 304923251, address Rinktines st. 5, LT-09234 Vilnius, Lithuania.
Please read these terms and conditions that follow carefully as they form a contract between you and Titaris UAB.


Definitions used in these Terms of use must be characterized and being understood as it defined below.

Account – means a customer’s profile, created within Orbitos crypto custody platform that enables a customer to interact directly with owning digital assets (including but not limited to deposit, withdraw, hold).
Business day – means any day except legal holidays.
Company – Titaris UAB, registration number 304923251 with registered address at Rinktines st. 5, LT-09234 Vilnius, Lithuania, that operates under Orbitos trade name.
Customer – means any natural or legal person to whom the Company provides crypto-asset services. Legal person could be also defined as any foreign organization recognized as a legal entity under the laws of Lithuania or a foreign state.
Digital Asset – means cryptographically secured digital representations of value or contractual rights that may use some type of DLT and can be transferred, stored or traded electronically.
Service – means the activity of storing digital assets ensuring its security.
Transaction – means a process of moving digital assets: from one wallet to another, from a wallet to bank account, or from bank account to a wallet, or from a bank account to another bank account.
Terms of use – means these Terms of use that governs the use of the Orbitos platform
Wallet – means a software that enables customers to store and use digital assets.
Website (online interface) – means crypto custody platform https://orbitos.io

Digital Assets and Services

1.1 About Digital Assets
Orbitos does not own or control the underlying software protocols which govern the operation of Digital Assets. However, Digital Asset protocols are subject to changes in protocol rules, and such forks may materially affect the value, function, or name of the Digital Asset.

1.2 Wallets and Digital Assets
Your wallets and your Digital Assets are your responsibility. Orbitos cannot cause transactions transferring Digital Assets from/to your wallets.

1.3 Passwords and Security
You are responsible for maintaining adequate security and control of any and all login IDs, passwords, private keys, personal identification numbers (PINs), and any other codes that you use to access the Service. You will be solely responsible for the private keys that we provide to you or that you generate for our wallets, and maintaining secure back-ups. You will be responsible, and Orbitos will have no liability, for all activity that takes place with your Orbitos account accessed using your account credentials, whether or not authorized by you.

1.4 Identity Authentication
You must be at least 18 years old, or such a higher age required by applicable law, to register for an Orbitos account. You will provide Orbitos and its affiliates with accurate, current, and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration process or as Orbitos may, from time to time request, and keep such information updated. You authorize Orbitos to make such inquiries that it considers necessary to validate your identity and you agree that Orbitos may do so using third party service providers.

1.5 Fees
Orbitos may change the fees at any time and is not obligated to notify the Client in advance, but is obligated to display current fees on its website. In case of mismatch the correct fee rate is the one displayed on the web.
Client understands the fees and agrees on their policy.

1.6 Taxes
You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to get acquainted with what taxes are applied regarding the law of the jurisdiction you reside in and pay it. The Company is not responsible for any issues or losses related to taxes calculations, declarations and payments. You have to follow the guidelines provided by the local governing authority in order to satisfy the requirements of an applicable law.

1.7 Risks
You acknowledge that using Digital Assets, their networks and protocols, involves serious risks. It is your sole duty and responsibility to examine and evaluate all the risks involved with Digital Assets, their protocols and networks.
NOTE. The value of Digital Assets can change rapidly, increase or decrease unexpectedly, and potentially even fall to zero what can cause serious losses.

1.8 No financial or investment advices
We do not provide any financial or investment advices, predictions or other relevant information which can affect your financial performance and activity while using the Service provided by Orbitos.

Use of The Service

2.1 Communications
The only way we may communicate with you is via emails, using the email address that is linked to your account which you have provided us with during the registration. You will receive emails regarding the Service, including but not limiting notices, technical updates, general information regarding the fundamental changes. Also, we will communicate with you regarding the processing of personal data or in order to clarify necessary information.
We may also send you emails with promotional information and materials regarding Orbito’s products and services that you may unsubscribe from by submitting a request via email compliance@orbitos.io.

2.2 Suspensions
We reserve the right to temporarily suspend or terminate your access to the Service at any time in our sole discretion, with or without cause, and with or without notice, without incurring liability of any kind.
NOTE. Possible reasons why the access is suspended or terminated please refer to the Section 3 point 3.3. The list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.

2.3 Product Updates
Orbitos may, in its sole discretion, make unscheduled deployments of changes, updates or enhancements to the Service at any time. We may add or remove functionalities or features, and we may discontinue the Service altogether.

2.4 License
Orbitos provides you access to any of the providing Services in return for a fee, this license is conditioned on your payment of the fees due.
These Terms of use do not grant to you any license or permission to copy, distribute, modify or otherwise use any application programming interface, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary. No title to or ownership of any proprietary rights related to the Service is transferred to you pursuant to these Terms of use. All rights not explicitly granted to you under these Terms of use are reserved by Orbitos.

2.5 Confidentiality
Both the Company and you shall not disclose to third persons any information that has been received in the framework of the provision/use of the Service, except in the cases where it is obligated to do so under the law or when the information is in the public domain. 


User Content


3.1 Your Content
You are responsible for the Content that you provide or make available via the Service (“User Content”), or that other users provide or make available. Orbitos will have no liability of any kind as a result of the deletion of, correction of, destruction of, damage to, loss of or failure to store or encrypt any User Content.

3.2 Responsibility
You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your Account, and for keeping your Account Information secure. You should never publish, distribute or post login information for your Account. You may not use Account Information that you don’t have the right to use, or with the intent to impersonate another person. You must notify us immediately of any change in your eligibility to use the Services (including any changes to or revocation of any licenses from state authorities), breach of security or unauthorized use of your Account. You may not transfer your Account to anyone else without our prior written permission. You shall have the ability to delete your Account by submitting a request made by submitting a request via email compliance@orbitos.io.
In case you have noticed any vulnerabilities, bugs or any other technical issue, you have to notify us immediately, so that we can solve the issues in a timely manner and avoid detrimental effects.

3.3 Limitation of Liability
According to the Company’s policy, it is prohibited to:
(a) provide your login credentials to third parties or provide access to third parties to your account without the Company’s prior written consent;
(b) use mixers, tumblers, or any other system or software that is directly or indirectly related to darknet and money laundering or terrorist financing activities;
(c) have or establish business or other relations with natural or legal persons that are under sanction list or somehow related to restricted countries;
(d) to violate the intellectual property rights of the Company;
(e) use software viruses or other harmful or deleterious computer code, files or programs such as Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, or spyware that harms, threatens, or harasses another person, organization, or Orbitos.
NOTE. The list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.

Third Party Services

The Services may permit or enable you to interact with other websites, services or resources on the Internet or other mobile applications (“Third Party Services”), and other Third Party Services may contain, interact or integrate with the Services. When you access Third Party Services on the Internet, you do so at your own risk. These Third Party Services are not under our control, and you acknowledge that we are not responsible or liable for the content, functions, accuracy, legality, appropriateness or any other aspect of such Third Party Services. The inclusion of any such link does not imply our endorsement or any association between us and their operators. You further acknowledge and agree that we shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any Third Party Services.


Warranty Disclaimer


THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN AND THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DESCRIBED ON THIS WEBSITE ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” AND ORBITOS MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. In addition, this website utilizes information prepared by us from internal and external sources, which we believe to be reliable. However, we do not represent that this information is accurate, complete or up-to-date. It is your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website. Orbitos is not responsible for the content of any off-site pages or other sites linked to this website and shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising out of access to or use of such content. Any links to other websites are not intended as referrals or endorsements but are provided to the users of this website solely for convenience and informational purposes.

Governing Law And Disputes Resolution

The law of the Republic of Lithuania draws up these Terms of use. In case when the performance of the relationships is not covered by these Terms of use, the law of the Republic of Lithuania is applied to resolute disputes. The disputes between the Company and the Customer shall be solved through negotiations. In case the dispute cannot be solved through negotiations, the Customer can submit a claim to the Company by post or e-mail, specifying the Customer’s name, contact details, and relevant information, which would indicate why the Customer reasonably believes that the Company violated the legal rights and interests of the Customer while providing the Services. The Customer can add other available evidence that justifies the need for such a claim. If the Customer would like to submit a formal claim, the Customer shall send the email to compliance@orbitos.io
Upon receipt of a claim from the Customer, the Company confirms receipt of the claim and indicates the time limit within which the reply will be submitted. In each case, the deadline for submitting a reply may vary as it directly depends on the extent and complexity of the claim filed, but the Company will make the maximum effort to respond to the Customer within the shortest possible time, but no later than 15 (fifteen) Business days. In case the Company is not able to provide the final answer within 15 (fifteen) Business days, the Company shall inform the Customer about that and indicate the time when the answer will be provided, however, the term shall not be longer than 35 (thirty-five) Business days. The claim of the Customer shall be solved free of charge.

Final provisions

7.1 Force Majeure
Neither the Company or a Customer shall be liable for any economic loss, delay or failure in the performance of any part of these Terms of use to the extent that such loss, delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, explosion, accident, war, strike, embargo, governmental requirements, civil and military authority, Act of God, civil unrest, unavailability of the public internet, hacking or distributed DoS attacks, inability to secure materials or labor, termination of vital agreements by third parties, the action of the other party or any other cause beyond such party’s reasonable control.
In the event that the force majeure circumstances last longer than three (3) months, either party is entitled to terminate these Terms of use with written notice of immediate effect.

7.2. Changes to Terms of use
By using Orbitos, you agree to abide by these terms regarding copyrights and intellectual property. The Company reserves the right to update or modify these terms at any time, and continued use of the platform constitutes acceptance of these changes. You will be informed about fundamental changes of these Terms of use.

If any part of these Terms of use is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable then such part shall be severed from the remainder of these Terms of use, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Contact information

For questions or concerns about these Terms of use, please contact us at compliance@orbitos.io