
Understanding BTC Exchange: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

understanding BTC exchange

Bitcoin, often abbreviated as BTC, has revolutionized the financial world with its decentralized nature and virtual existence. Understanding how to trade BTC is crucial in today’s digital era, especially for those interested in stepping into the world of cryptocurrencies. In this beginner’s guide, we will demystify the basics of crypto trading and exchange, providing a comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to this thrilling domain. Whether you’re a novice or just curious, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange landscape confidently.

Understanding (BTC) Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a digital or virtual currency known as a cryptocurrency, which operates independently of a central bank. Bitcoin transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded in a public ledger called a blockchain. Invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto, it was released as open-source software in 2009. Bitcoin started as a rebellious alternative to traditional currencies but has since gained legitimacy and is now accepted by many businesses worldwide. Understanding its operation is key to navigating the Bitcoin exchange.

How does Bitcoin work?

Bitcoin operates on a technology known as blockchain, which is a distributed ledger enforced by a network of computers called nodes. When a Bitcoin transaction occurs, it needs to be confirmed by the network. This confirmation process involves solving complex mathematical problems. Once confirmed, the transaction is added to a ‘block’ of transactions. Subsequently, this block is added to the ‘chain’ in the blockchain.

The process of confirming transactions, also known as ‘mining’, is how new bitcoins are released into circulation. One notable feature of Bitcoin is its decentralization, which means that no single entity has control over the network. This decentralization makes Bitcoin resistant to censorship and interference.

Another advantage of Bitcoin’s decentralization is that it ensures the currency is inherently inflation-resistant. This is because the supply of bitcoins is limited to 21 million coins. Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin does not have a central authority governing its supply.

Overall, Bitcoin’s unique operation method sets it apart from traditional currencies and forms the foundation of its appeal.

The Concept of Crypto Exchange

Crypto exchanges are online marketplaces where traders can buy and sell bitcoins using fiat currencies or altcoins. These platforms connect buyers and sellers, earning a commission from trades. Understanding how a Bitcoin exchange works is crucial for your cryptocurrency journey.

What is a Bitcoin Exchange?

A Bitcoin exchange is a digital marketplace where individuals or businesses can buy and sell bitcoins, the popular cryptocurrency, as well as other digital currencies known as ‘altcoins’. These exchange platforms function similarly to traditional stock exchanges and markets, but instead of trading stocks, users trade digital coins and currencies. The prices of these currencies are determined by the supply and demand of the users on the platform.

When using a Bitcoin exchange, users can place orders to buy or sell cryptocurrencies at specific prices. The exchange acts as an intermediary, matching buyers and sellers and facilitating the transactions. In return for their services, exchanges often charge a fee for each transaction.

Understanding the dynamics of a Bitcoin exchange is crucial for anyone interested in venturing into cryptocurrency trading. It involves grasping the concepts of supply and demand, as well as monitoring market trends and fluctuations. By staying informed and aware of the factors influencing the prices, traders can make more informed decisions and potentially profit from their investments.

It’s important to note that while Bitcoin exchanges provide a convenient platform for trading cryptocurrencies, they also come with risks. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate drastically in a short period. Traders should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and consider their risk tolerance before engaging in cryptocurrency trading on an exchange.

How Does a Bitcoin Exchange Work?

A Bitcoin exchange operates using a bid-ask system. It’s like a marketplace where buyers and sellers come together, and the exchange helps facilitate their transactions. Here’s how it works:

When someone wants to sell Bitcoin, they set an asking price – the lowest price they’re willing to accept. On the other hand, someone who wants to buy Bitcoin sets their bid price – the maximum price they’re willing to pay. The exchange matches buyers and sellers based on these bid and ask prices.

Let’s say a bid price matches or exceeds an ask price – a trade is executed. The Bitcoin changes hands, and the fiat currency or altcoin used to purchase it is transferred to the seller. The exchange earns a small commission on each transaction as a fee for its services.

To make things easier, you can either place a market order (buy or sell at the current market price) or a limit order (buy or sell at a specific price). Keep in mind that Bitcoin prices are always changing, so it’s important to have a clear strategy and stay aware of market conditions when using the crypto exchange.

Choosing the Right Bitcoin Exchange Platform

Selecting the correct Bitcoin exchange is paramount for successful and secure trading. It involves considering several factors, such as security measures, transaction fees, user interface, customer support, and available trading pairs, among others. Every individual has unique needs, so the right exchange is the one that best fits those needs.

Always remember, though, that researching thoroughly before settling on a Bitcoin exchange is crucial for a safe and profitable crypto trading experience.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bitcoin Exchange Platform

While we have outlined some essential factors to consider when choosing a Bitcoin exchange, let’s delve just a few clicks a little deeper to ensure you make the best choice for your specific trading needs.


An exchange’s liquidity refers to its ability to fill orders quickly. High liquidity means an exchange can process large volumes of trades at close-to-market rates. High liquidity often has low fees and indicates crypto exchange has a lower risk of slippage (when the actual execution price differs from the expected price), particularly for larger trades.

Regulation and Security

In the realm of digital assets, security cannot be overstated. Research whether an exchange is regulated and by which body. Look into its security measures, such as two-factor authentication and encryption methods.

Ease of Use

If you’re new to Bitcoin trading, the platform’s user interface plays a crucial role. A user-friendly, intuitive interface can make the trading process much less intimidating, easing your journey into the world of cryptocurrencies.

Customer Support

The quality of customer support can be a determining factor in customers choosing an exchange. In a volatile market like cryptocurrencies, having access to prompt and helpful customer support can make a significant difference to customers.

Fiat Exchange

Not all Bitcoin exchanges allow for direct trading with fiat currencies (like USD, EUR, etc.). If you plan to trade Bitcoin for traditional money, ensure the exchange you choose supports this functionality.


Different exchanges have different fee structures. Some may charge for deposits and withdrawals, while others only charge for trading. Make sure you understand the fee structure before you start trading.

Open your Crypto Exchange Account on Orbitos: Step-by-Step

To start buying crypto, the first step is to create an account on Orbitos.io. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Orbitos.io website.

Go to the homepage of Orbitos.io using your internet browser.

Step 2: Register for a new account.

Click on the “Get started” button, usually located in the center of the page. And sign up.

Step 3: Fill out the registration form.

You will be asked to provide basic information like your full name and email address. Once submitted, you will receive an email from Orbitos.io.

Step 4: Verify your email.

Check your email for a confirmation message from Orbitos.io. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your account.

Step 5: Complete the verification process.

Please click on the link provided in the email and follow the instructions to verify and activate your account.

Step 6: Set up security measures.

Once you’ve verified your account, it’s highly recommended to enhance security by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). Great job! Your private account has been successfully created on Orbitos.io. Before diving into buying, selling, or trading cryptocurrencies, take a moment to get acquainted with the platform’s user interface and features.

Step 7: Deposit funds.

To deposit funds into your account, you can use a credit or debit card from Visa or Mastercard, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency wallet. In Orbitos, you can easily complete the account verification process in minutes.

Once your funds have been deposited successfully, you are ready to proceed.

Step 8: Make your first purchase.

To buy cryptocurrency on the Orbitos.io platform, choose the cryptocurrency you want and enter the desired amount in either fiat or cryptocurrency. Click the “Buy” button to complete the purchase, and the new cryptocurrency will be added to your wallet balance.

For instance, you now have the ability to invest in and transfer crypto assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Discover how easy it is to manage them according to your needs. This way, you can familiarize yourself with the Orbitos.io platform and start purchasing crypto using your crypto wallet.

Understanding Bitcoin Prices

To understand Bitcoin prices, it’s important to grasp the various factors and markets that influence its value and its fluctuations. One key factor is supply and demand. With a limited supply of Bitcoin (capped at 21 million) and increasing demand, prices can rise.

Market sentiment is another influential factor, often driven by news events. Positive news can lead to more buying, while negative news or regulatory issues can trigger selling.

Competition from other cryptocurrencies and technological advancements also affect Bitcoin prices. Additionally, changes in legal landscapes, market liquidity, and macroeconomic factors like inflation or political instability can impact prices.

Keeping an eye on these factors is crucial as they shape the trajectory of Bitcoin’s price.

Cryptocurrency Exchange and Trading on Orbitos

Orbitos.io offers a user-friendly interface for cryptocurrency exchange, with detailed steps to create an account, an understanding of factors affecting Bitcoin prices, and a guide to trade crypto on the platform.

Buying Bitcoin on Orbitos:

To purchase Bitcoin on Orbitos, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the Dashboard: Log in to your Orbitos account and navigate to the ‘Buy/Sell’ tab.
  2. Select Bitcoin: From the list of available cryptocurrencies, choose Bitcoin as your desired option.
  3. Input Investment Amount: Specify the amount you wish to invest in Bitcoin.
  4. Finalize the Transaction: Click on the ‘Buy’ button to proceed and confirm your purchase.

Selling Bitcoin on Orbitos:

To sell Bitcoin on Orbitos, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Dashboard: Log in to your Orbitos account and go to the ‘Buy/Sell’ tab.
  2. Choose ‘Sell’: Instead of selecting ‘Buy’, click on the ‘Sell’ option.
  3. Specify Bitcoin Amount: Input the quantity of Bitcoin you want to sell.
  4. Confirm the Transaction: Proceed to confirm the transaction and finalize the sale.

Important Reminders:

Market Price: Always check the prevailing market price of Bitcoin before conducting any transactions.

Applicable Fees: Be aware of any fees that may apply during the buying or selling process.

By following these steps and staying informed about market conditions, you can easily buy and sell Bitcoin on Orbitos.

Securing Your Bitcoin Transactions: A Priority for Cryptocurrency Exchanges

When dealing with cryptocurrency exchanges like Orbitos.io, ensuring the security of your Bitcoin transactions is of utmost importance. With the rise of digital currencies, unfortunately, comes an increase in digital theft incidents. This makes robust security measures an essential component of any Bitcoin exchange.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adding an Extra Layer of Security

One best practice is to utilize two-factor authentication (2FA). This security feature requires not only a password and username but also something that only the user has on them. By implementing 2FA, you add an extra layer of protection to your account.

Regular Updates and Wi-Fi Precautions: Reducing Risk

To further reduce risk, it’s crucial to update your passwords regularly. Additionally, avoid conducting transactions using public Wi-Fi networks, as they can be vulnerable to attacks. By following these practices, you significantly enhance the safety of your crypto portfolio.

Remember, protecting your digital crypto assets is as vital as safeguarding any other form of investment. By understanding crypto, and implementing security measures and practices, you can ensure a successful and secure Bitcoin trading experience on Orbitos.io.

Crypto Custody Platform: Securely Storing Your Bitcoin with Orbitos

Another effective measure is to store your Bitcoin with Orbitos, a trusted crypto custody platform with a great support team. Our crypto custody platform securely holds your digital currency, minimizing the risk of hacking. By entrusting your Bitcoin to Orbitos, you significantly enhance its security.

Legalities and Tax Implications of Bitcoin in the EU

Navigating the legalities and tax implications of Bitcoin is essential for anyone involved in cryptocurrency trading within the European Union (EU). While the EU sets a broad framework, the specifics often lie with individual member states. Here’s a snapshot of the stance of some major EU countries:


  • Legal Status: Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, are recognized in Lithuania. The country has been proactive in its approach towards cryptocurrencies, issuing guidelines for ICOs and cryptocurrency operators. Notably, Orbitos operates under Lithuania’s regulations, ensuring a compliant and secure platform for its users.
  • Taxation: Cryptocurrency transactions are generally subject to income tax. The application of VAT on cryptocurrency transactions, especially when exchanged for traditional currencies, varies.


  • Legal Status: Bitcoin is not considered legal tender but is recognized as “private money” or a “unit of account.”
  • Taxation: Private sales of Bitcoin that are held for over a year are tax-exempt. However, other conditions might apply, especially for business-related transactions.


  • Legal Status: Cryptocurrencies are not considered legal tender but are recognized as a convertible asset.
  • Taxation: Capital gains tax applies to Bitcoin sales. Specific exemptions might exist based on the annual sales volume or other criteria.


  • Legal Status: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are neither considered legal currency nor banned.
  • Taxation: Cryptocurrency transactions can be subject to capital gains tax.


  • Legal Status: Cryptocurrencies are legal, and exchanges operate freely. However, there are requirements for anti-money laundering measures.
  • Taxation: While personal cryptocurrency holdings typically do not attract VAT, profits from trading might be subject to capital gains tax.


  • Legal Status: Cryptocurrency is neither considered legal tender nor illegal.
  • Taxation: Cryptocurrencies are typically considered “other assets” and might be subject to capital gains tax or other forms of taxation.

It’s crucial to understand that the cryptocurrency industry regulatory landscape is dynamic. As the sector evolves, so do the regulations and tax implications. Traders and investors should always consult local experts and stay updated on the latest regulations in their respective countries.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article regarding cryptocurrency regulations and taxation in the EU is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as legal, financial, or tax advice. Due to the evolving nature of cryptocurrency regulations, readers are advised to consult with professional legal, financial, or tax advisors for specific guidance tailored to their circumstances. Orbitos does not assume any responsibility for actions taken based on this article’s information.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Bitcoin Trading

Navigating the world of Bitcoin trading can be exciting, yet it’s essential to be aware of common pitfalls to ensure a successful trading experience. Here are a few mistakes often made by novice traders that should be avoided:

Lack of Research

Trading Bitcoin without adequate knowledge can lead to poor investment decisions. Make sure to thoroughly research Bitcoin’s market trends and understand the factors affecting its price.

Ignoring Security Measures

Ignoring necessary security measures like two-factor authentication or using public Wi-Fi for transactions can expose your digital assets to threats.

Investing More Than You Can

Bitcoin prices can be highly volatile. Investing money that you cannot afford to lose can lead to significant financial loss.

Failing to Understand Tax Laws

Not understanding or ignoring the tax implications of Bitcoin trading can lead to legal issues. Stay informed about the tax laws of your region.

Neglecting to Use a Crypto Custody Platform

Failing to store your Bitcoin in a secure crypto custody platform like Orbitos can leave your digital currency vulnerable to hacking.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a smoother and more secure Bitcoin trading experience on Orbitos.io.


Whether you’re a seasoned or beginner cryptocurrency trader, there are key factors for successful Bitcoin trading. Understanding secure buying and selling, legal and tax considerations, advanced trading, and avoiding common pitfalls can save you from losses.

Enter Orbitos.io, offering secure and hassle-free Bitcoin trading. With robust security and trusted crypto custody, trade cryptocurrencies with peace of mind. Remember, Bitcoin trading carries risks but offers rewards. Increase success with knowledge, security measures, and sensible trading.

As you navigate digital currencies, make informed decisions, prioritize security, and stay updated on market trends and regulations. Get started your Bitcoin journey with Orbitos!

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